New Fence, Survey Needed?
The question comes up often in real estate sales, ‘Do I need a survey to install a fence?’ The safe answer is, ‘Yes’. Yes, because this will give the definitive answer on where the property lines are. This is referred to as a boundary or pin survey. Pin, because the surveyor physically locates the actual steel pins that mark the corners of the property. The pins often have a colored plastic cap to make them easier to see. Over the years the caps are often missing and the pins can slowly disappear under the soil. A metal detector can be used to aid in locating.
Don’t confuse a mortgage location survey for a boundary survey. When you purchase a home your lender may require a mortgage location survey. This is drawn up based upon the legal description and recorded right of ways and easements. This survey is less precise and should not be used for setting a fence, structure or pool.
I recently helped a couple purchase a new construction home here in the Dayton, Ohio area and they wanted to immediately install a fence. Can we just use the mortgage location survey we just had done?, they asked. Even with new construction your best bet is to go with a boundary survey due to the fact that the pins often get moved and end up missing from heavy equipment running over them during construction. The boundary survey will also solve the issue of an unscrupulous neighbor relocating pins in the middle of the night to gain some ground. These surveys run around the $500 -$600 mark but it’s better than having to move a fence or shed if you guess where the line is. Need a good surveyor? Just reach out and I’m happy to assist with any of your real estate needs.
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