Asbestos Ductwork

by David Campbell

When I’m showing houses in the Dayton, OH  area I sometimes come across HVAC ductwork that contains asbestos.  It was used in some  homes  built in the 1960s and early 70’s. Transite is the Trademark name of the cement based ductwork that contains 10-15% asbestos. Asbestos is dangerous when the microscopic particles become airborne. This is called ‘friable’ and simply means you can breathe it in.  

This ductwork was typically sub-slab, meaning it is encased in the concrete slab of the home.  One sign of it is the ragged edge left where the hole is cut to make a vent access. Remove  a floor register and take a look.This duct work should not be cleaned. Fixes: have it removed and replaced. Abandon it and install new ductwork through the ceiling. Use a product like Duct Armor to seal it. At a minimum paint the ragged edges with an encapsulating paint.

Feel free to reach out with any home inspection, buying or selling questions that come to mind!



David Campbell, Realtor

Realtor | License ID: 394456

+1(937) 266-7064
